Forerunner is the common thread between many of the "next big things" that transform the way we look at the consumer world. This venture capital firm has a different kind of ethos: to understand consumer psychology and back the entrepreneurs poised to deliver.
Forerunner Opening animation
Stunning combination and usage of layout and grid to play with Voyage, Span, Founders Grotesk fonts Typewolf - Site of the day
The Problem — The issue was capturing who Forerunner is in a brand experience befitting of a company that champions the radicals who transform culture.
The Solution — Through exhaustive research, one thing was clear. It was a sea of same-ness. The competition, while visually interesting, was less innovative about how they were interesting, falling flat, and uninspired. Distilling Forerunner's DNA into a clear statement of purpose was the goal: To use daring foresight, backed by human insight, to invest in the innovators and ideas that benefit people.
Content and IA work led the way coming out of stakeholder interviews. Everything from the language and labeling used, to the visual language and a structured set of moments had to be questioned. Structure and hierarchy shaped by page stories provided the footprint for the final application of the new visual language.
The Result — It all came together in a stunning combination and usage of layout and grid to play with Voyage, Span, Founders Grotesk fonts. The new visual identity, messaging, tone and voice, photography, and color palette executed through this web touchpoint helps Forerunner stand out in a sea of buttoned-up VC brands.